Antonio Marcos Machyavelly
Membro desde setembro de 2010
I don't have too much things to say about me. I am like anyone else, I was born,I live and I am trying to be someone better or recognized for my works, l live every day like it were the last of my life. and to the readers l want to share my poems or lyrics.
As a living soul I can say, I live in Araguatins, TO, Brazil, I'm nineteen and studant in duo time at monday to friday and saturday and sunday. at week I'm doing Informatic Tecnical, on weekend Work Securty, and I love writing and reading.
(2) artigos publicados
Publicado em 25 de setembro de 2010 em Poesias
Minha Alma
Publicado em 28 de setembro de 2010 em Poesias