Por Sueli Carneiro | 27/04/2009 | Educação

The intention of this work is to argue, to soon approach the necessity of the inclusion of a foreign language (LE) in the first years of the contact pupil x school of the municipal net of education. We observe that such introduction of the LE occurred exactly disrespecting the unpreparedness of professionals qualified for the education of it as curricular grating.

One perceives that, first it would have a necessity to provide and to qualify such professionals in specific courses to improve the linguistic ability while basic knowledge of the language. I had opportunity to carry through this research in qualitative way observing and interviewing two teachers who act in different realities of education (public and private) in the initial series of the basic education of the school Jarbas Passarinho in Sobral city whose focus of my attention would be to concentrate this question to both: “which difficulty found for them when its pupils had never studied the language when we know that the new was of the technology, the use of the Internet imposes them a certain basic knowledge to be in a social environment”.

During my researches, I could observe that the praticity in distinct environments of work, even so its happened answers had the same academic formation were well considerable taking in account the lack of base of the pupils of the public school they only start to learn the LE in average education making it difficult its learning of reasoning due the indifference of the use of this does not discipline in basic education.

I agree that the pedagogical activities of the two specialists of the subject are similar but they do not save them of such process of anomaly that today occurs in Brazilian education when they are confrotted with this level of pupils. From there, therefore the great challenge of us educators and researchers to acquire knowledge the competent agencies to the importance of this disciplines in the ingression of the pupil to the school is public or private in the initial series.

Therefore one is enough to say that it does not have as to differentiate in the use of the technology who it comes or not from such institution.