7. A condensed summary of the main points included in Read Chapter 7 (the romantic suthesis) and comments on the first movement of Beethoven?s "Eight Symphony" trying to find both classic and romantic elements in it as defined in the work, Thinking about
Por ANTONIO DOMINGOS CUNHA | 20/08/2009 | Arte
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Antônio D. Araújo Cunha
A condensed summary of the main points included in Chapter 06 (some of the ideas about music from ancient times up to the year 1800), “The European Tradition to
An overview of the intellectual history of the music (beginning of the Christian era to the year 1800) is presented by Rowell (82-115), who provides a variety of ideas about music, examining common assumptions, new proposals, the way ideas were articulated along the time, mentioning those ones who contributed to illuminate and elaborate the fundaments of music doctrine, organizing and presenting the facts in periods. An emphasis to Beethoven's "Eighth Symphony" is given in this essay, because we want to illustrate the classical style, which reached the climax in
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Normally, it makes considerable sense to recognize unity and coherence in philosophy, as Rowell explains (84).
Then, contributions from ancient civilizations (Greek and Roman) together with (contemporary schools (Cartesian rationalism (1596-1650), British school of thought (1561-1626) dominated European philosophy together until eighteenth. (84) A new school of thought had arisen in German idealism, with the contribution of Emanuel Kant (1724-1804), straightening relations with philosophy and artistic speculation (85). The three main schools of thought in later antiquity are The Stoics, Epicureans, and Skeptics, and two special voices are listened: Philodemus (a first century B.C. author), and Sextus Empiricus (an aggressively Skeptic philosopher from the Second century A.D.) (85). But the difficulty to justify music’s existence was not only theirs. They both have the conception of music as a harmless diversion, pleasant but useless. They did not understand music to symbolize, express, or represent anything but itself. They understand music as an illusion, like sound and time. The attempt to separate the sublime from the merely beautiful was reinforced with Hellenistic treatises on the philosophy of art, like the documentation of Cassius Longinus of
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Rowell provides nice concepts. He comments the concept of sublimity, during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. “Sublimity, in their view, was linked with the feelings of awe and terror inspired by the vastness and infinite power of nature: mountains, the sea, the sky and night were cited as typical sources of the sublime”(87). Another concept is the one concerning Plato’s view that beauty is a transcendental quality and that the response to beauty is the soul’s feeling of kinship with an eternal idea, absolute Being: “The material thing becomes beautiful – by communicating in the thought that flows from the Divine”(87). Plotinus vision of music was very respected and considered by the doctrines of Christian theology and became the standard medieval explanation from where many theories of music emerged as a link between humanity and divinity, the finite and the infinite (88).
The Middle Ages is marked by the proposals of
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its source, and its definition as tonal structure and motion in the perceiving mind (94). A technique known as counterpoint was to bring about the great flowering of musical style in the Renaissance, which is the next period to be commented (99).
After the relatively static Middle Ages, the Renaissance years brought a burst of fresh artistic energy – specially in
The next step should be the presentation of all those personalities who contributed to the new period, described as the Age of Reason and Enlightenment and clarification concerning music. It is possible to start with the rationalism, represented by René Descartes (1596-1650). And Samuel Johnson (1759), Jean Philippe Rameau (1683-1764), Francis Bacon (1607), John Locke (1632-1704), Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679), David Hume (1711-1776), Lord Shaftesbury (1671-1713), Joseph Addison (1672-1719), George Berkeley (1685-
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1753), Edmund Burke (1729-1797) (103-110). The last one, inspired distinctions between the sublime and the merely beautiful, which was a very popular theme in the eighteenth-century. Burke explains that “the sublime and the beautiful produce the same physiological effects as love and terror...”(109). So, two strands of philosophy are followed: rationalism and empiricism. By the same way, two distinct style periods ran their course during these two hundred years -- the Baroque (e.g. Bach, Handel, Vivaldi, Telemann, and Couperin.) and the Classic (e.g. Haydn, Mozart, Shubert, and Beethoven.) (110- 113).
Progress was observed after 1750 and the composers in the nineteenth century made few substantive changes (113). These changes (more in manner and degree, than in substance), had led many scholars to assert that Classicism and Romanticism are two phases of the same period. Philosophers like Kant, Scholar (1759-1805), and Hegel (1770-1831). The result was a synthesis of music and thought perhaps the first since Middle Ages.
A good example of this transition between classic and romanticism is Beethoven’s music.[
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In conclusion, Music became the art of inspired composers, as philosophy to humans’ thoughts. Despite the opportunities it provides to people to project their interior lives, music became the universal language of enchantment and pleasure. We can use Beethoven’s words to finish this presentation: “ Remember, please, that all my people have names, and they know what they can count on to survive.” But what function should be given in the court to a mediocre talented person like me”(Solomon 181)? It provides the sensation that only a brilliant spirit should think like him. He couldn’t even wonder that future generations would have his music to appreciate, after so many years. It is over anyone’s expectation. Immortal, in the collective unconscious, the dimension of his work is expended up to XIst century.
Works Cited
Bent, Ian. Music Analysis in the Nineteenth Century, Vol. One,
Downs, Philip. Classical Music. The Era of Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven, University of
Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers,
Orga, Ates. Beethoven. Ediouro, Brasil, 1992.
Rosen, Charles. El estilo clásico Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven.
Rowell, Lewis. Thinking about Music, The
Salomon, Maynard. Beethoven. Jorge Zahar editor, RJ, Brasil, 1997.